Sub Theme: "Accelerating regional economic growth through sustainable investments"
The County Government of Kakamega through the Kakamega County Investment and Development Agency (KCIDA) is organizing the 1st Kakamega International Investment Conference (KAIICO 2024), scheduled for Tuesday 19th to Friday 22nd March, 2024
The objectives of the Conference are:
I. To mobilize resources for bankable projects in Kakamega County
II. To discuss the opportunities and value propositions the western region economy presents for both domestic and foreign
III. To outline tourism and eco-tourism
investment opportunities in Kakamega
IV. To analyze current issues and challenges facing counties in the implementation of development projects as outlined in County Integrated Development Plans
V. To provide a platform to exchange ideas and discuss practical solutions to environmental and climate change problems
Participants will interact during panel
discussions, face to face networking
meetings, small group breakaway sessions
and on-demand side meetings.
The expected 2000+ delegates and 500+
exhibitors will be:
i. Government representatives
ii. Foreign missionsâ representatives
iii. Development partners in Kenya
iv. CEOs of local and international
companies investing and operating in
the region
v. CEOs of prospect individual and
institutional investors to the region
vi. Equity Firms and banking institutions
vii. Pension and Sovereign wealth funds
viii. Bilateral and multilateral development institutions
ix. Local SMEs and MSMEs
x. Learning and research institutions
Key Focus Sectors
Agriculture & Value addition
Social Development(Sports, Tourism, hospitality, education and culture)
Health Care
Water, Environment and Climate Change
What to Expect
- Pre - Conference
- Conference
- Social Events
- Exhibition
- Partnership & Sponsorship
- Post - Conference
The KAIICO Steering Committee and KCIDA will organize various pre-conference
forums that will culminate to the main conference. These will include:
i. A stakeholdersâ forum in Kakamega with focus on the business community and
MSMEs from Kakamega, Vihiga, Trans Nzoia, Busia and Bungoma.
ii. Breakfast meeting with diplomatic missions and private sector players in
iii. A Kakamega Innovation Day to identify unique projects to be showcased at the
The four-day high-level conference will consist of a tour to various tourist
attraction sites and presentations in plenary and sector-specific sessions as
broken down below:
a) High-level interactive segments with all the delegates
b) Plenary sessions that will involve key note addresses and invited expertsâ presentations.
c) Government to private sector sessions and private sector to private sector sessions
d) Panel discussions with foreign missions and development partners
e) One-on-one match making meetings between pre-qualified investors and project sponsors to discuss and announce deals which may have been in the pipeline
f) KAIICO Pitch Fest- Innovative start-ups in Kakamega will be given an opportunity to pitch their projects to a plenary of investors, customers and potential partners
Alongside the meetings, industries/companies, technology developers, research &
development practitioners, SMEs, MSMEs and development actors will be invited
to display their companies and organizations, showcase equipment, materials,
services, innovative findings, new knowledge and other practices relevant to
addressing economic growth and wealth creation in the context of the eventâs
theme and sub-theme.
We are reaching out to organizations that we can partner with to make KAIICO 2024
the biggest and most successful regional investment conference in Kenya and
beyond. As a sponsor of the conference, you will get an opportunity to position
your brand at the forefront and engage with a highly targeted audience of
corporate leaders, top government executives, innovators, global industry leaders,
policy makers, entrepreneurs and customers.
This stage will include aggressive follow-up on investment leads generated during the conference and receiving post-event reports from various partners.
1. H.E the Governor will lead high-level delegates in a tree planting exercise at Kakamega forest before visiting key tourist attraction sites in Kakamega on the
first day of the Conference (19th March 2024). Subsequently, more visits will take place during and after the conference.
2. One high level (invites only) cocktail event (19th March, 2024) will be held with key note speeches by H.E the Governor, colleague governors, significant private
sector actors and development partners
3. One Gala Networking Dinner and Cultural Fiesta for all delegates on 22nd March, 2024 at the closing event.