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June 14, 2023Agriculture


Agriculture Sector is key to Kenya’s economy, contributing 33% of the Gross Domestic Product
(GDP) with an indirect contribution of 27% of GDP with other sectors. In Kakamega, agriculture
is the main economic activity in the county and accounts for over 65% of the total earnings. The
sector employs over 80% of the people in the county and contributes over 52% of the county’s
The County Government of Kakamega in the last financial year allocated the sector the second
largest share of its budget so as to increase productivity, for nutrition and food security. The
County’s initiatives are geared towards improving disposable income per household in
Kakamega County, economic empowerment and job creation.”
June 14, 2023
Agriculture, Economy

Crop Production




In Kenya, crop production takes up over 48.5% of agricultural activities the main produce in Kakamega is maize, sorghum, rice, beans, cassava, groundnuts and sweet potatoes. The county government has boosted crop production through enhanced mechanization, farm input subsidies and provision of seedlings soil testing and analysis to farmers. The county is currently promoting horticultural and industrial crops that include avocado, sunflower, upland rice, maize, tea among others.

The livestock sub-sector in Kenya contributes about 10% of the national GDP and at least 50% of the agricultural GDP. Kakamega County’s vision is to become a model for livestock development and value addition in the region. For this reason, the county government has developed programmes and initiatives to promote livestock production and development.
Kenya's fishing industry contributes about 0.5% of the national GDP and about 2% of the national export earnings. Kakamega County established a unit of fisheries and aquaculture development to promote development of riverine, dam and aquaculture to increase fish and aquatic plants production, with the
aim of being the leading institution in the management and development of fishery resources in the region.
Kakamega has 6,976 fish farmers who operate 9,988 fish ponds, with an average of 300sq meters, the total pond area is 2,536,300sq meters with potential to produce 1,798 metric tonnes of fish in seven- month production cycle, translating to sh.539 million earnings by farmers.

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