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November 5, 2019Natural Resources

Natural Resources

Kenya commits to reducing Green House Gas (GHG) emissions by 30% (143 MtCO2e) relative
to business as usual levels by 2030 with a current emission of less than 0.01%. In order to cab
and further reduce the carbon emissions, Kakamega County has in place measures to promote
energy efficiency through research, development and innovation in the sector with the aim of
contributing to the global initiative of mitigating climate change while offering sustainable
power solutions.

Measures to promote use of clean energy in Kakamega include:

  • Increasing access to electricity coverage from 67.2% to an attainable maximum
  • Enhancing uptake of solar and alternative sources of energy from 19.3 percent as of December 2022 to over 30% by 2030
  • Increasing business hours and security through installation of energy efficiency floodlights and streetlights
  • Expanding geothermal, solar, and wind energy production
  • Increasing use of clean energy technologies to reduce over reliance on wood fuels
  • Adoption of low carbon and efficient transport systems
June 16, 2023
Energy, Economy

Why Invest in Kakamega’s County Energy sector?

  • Kakamega County is the most populous rural County and the 2nd most populous county after Nairobi County in Kenya, with a high demand for electricity.
  • The county is rich in natural resources including water bodies that can be utilized to generate renewable energy such as hydro and geothermal energy. This will promote the diversification of sources of electricity and utilization of affordable and clean energy.
  • Guaranteed Feed -in-Tariff for renewable energy projects.
  • Public-Private-Partnerships support mechanism by the government.

Investment Opportunities.

  1. Hydropower.
  2. Wind.
  3. Geothermal.
  4. Solar.
  5. Biomass-generated using sugarcane bagasse and other agricultural residuals.
  6. Biogas produced with the availability of municipal waste, slaughter waste and other agricultural wastes.

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